Representative winery selected from different region.在不同产区精选的最伟大的代表作酒庄。

Val di Toro 托罗


--From the owner: Mrs Anna 来自庄主安娜的自述

Val di Toro is a young company born in 2003, born out of a dream for myself and my husband. We left city life and our jobs in the world of finance and transferred to the countryside with our 3 children who were very young and decided to dedicate ourselves completely to the life of agriculture.


A complete change of lifestyle, culture, to raise children. Change of everything. A great project,especially when it began, from the initial phase of preparing the land, planting the vines, waiting for them to grow, building the winery. So, a project that absorbed us completely in those years.


Our company takes its name from our property ‘Podere Val di Toro’. We have 25 hectares of land of which about 10 are planted with vines. About 80% for Sangiovese and Montepulciano grapes and 20% with Vermentino and Grechetto.


Lets start with the white wine, Auramaris, a vermentino. The name means ‘sea breeze’, it has lots of minerality, sapidity and is made with 85% vermentino and 15% grechetto grapes. It needs to be drunk young and fresh. I have always liked white wines and I insisted that we should plant some for me to drink myself.


Another wine we make, new this year, a rose 100% sangiovese. Alfa Tauri, we called it like this after the most luminous star in the constellation of Taurus, a rose coloured rose, the same colour as the wine, it has lovely freshness and fruit with a hint of strawberry.

另一款我们最近才开始酿造的是100%桑娇维赛的桃红葡萄酒。Alfa Tauri阿尔法图里,我们叫他像来自星空的一片星云,是一款有着玫瑰颜色的桃红酒,有着非常可爱而新鲜果香例如树莓的味道。

The Reviresco too is made with sangiovese and tastes completely like a wine of this area. It is a wine full of the characteritics of this zone.Val di Toro was our first wine. First because it was the first wine we produced. 80% sangiovese and 20 % montepulciano it comes to the market about 2 years after harvest, however it contains much of the freshness of the fruit typical of sangiovese. It matches very well the local cusine of Tuscany.


The thing I love most about making wine is that it gives us this possibility to live in the countryside and let us bring up our children in this atmosphere and allow us to live our lives in this great panorama of beauty.The result is it has become like another child, so to speak, each year we have a new product that we nuture, like a child to grow what we are growing in these barrels.


